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The Hidden Drawbacks of Traditional Employment: Why a Micro-Corporation Might Be Better

Jul 27, 2024

The Consequences of Traditional Employment for Doctors

As we reflect on career paths, it's worth considering the nuanced landscape of traditional employment. While it undeniably offers a sense of security through stable income, predictable schedules, and established organizational structures, we must also ponder its potential limitations. The comfort of this well-trodden path can sometimes overshadow the importance of professional autonomy, personal financial growth, and genuine job fulfillment.

It's intriguing to observe that many individuals, upon choosing traditional employment, later find themselves grappling with a sense of regret which is often revealed through micro-business consultations with me at SimpliMD. The desire to transition to self-employment often stems from a deep-seated need for something more aligned with personal values and aspirations.

The phenomenon of following the conventional route, while understandable, can sometimes lead to unexpected outcomes. Disillusionment, disappointment, or even professional setbacks may arise from passively accepting the status quo as the foundation for your career. This raises important questions about the true nature of career satisfaction and success.

Perhaps it's time we pause and carefully consider the long-term implications of your career choices. Are you aligning your professional paths with your genuine aspirations and goals? Or are you simply following a predetermined route without questioning its suitability for your unique circumstances?

This reflection isn't about dismissing traditional employment outright, but rather about encouraging a thoughtful evaluation of all options. By weighing the potential consequences and benefits of different career paths, you can make more informed decisions that resonate with your personal and professional ambitions.

Having worked as a traditionally employed doctor for half of my career and as a self-employed doctor for the other half, I am in a position to speak from experience. My hope is to be a light that illuminates a path to help you thrive. Traditional employment has its place, but there will be consequences to your choice, and I need to let you know what lies ahead.

Fighting for Your Professional Autonomy

When you’re employed in a traditional setting, you might find yourself dealing with restrictive treatment protocols, productivity quotas, and limited decision-making authority. This can lead to frustration and dissatisfaction, as your clinical judgment may feel compromised or undervalued. Imagine being passionate about providing the best care for your patients, yet constantly feeling hindered by bureaucratic red tape. Over time, this can erode your enthusiasm and passion for medicine.

By establishing your own professional micro-corporation, you can reclaim control over your practice, patient care decisions, and professional destiny. This empowerment fosters a sense of ownership and integrity in your work. You have the freedom to implement your treatment philosophies, adapt your practice to new medical advancements quickly, and provide patient-centered care without the constraints of a large organizational structure. This autonomy not only enhances your professional satisfaction but also improves patient outcomes, as you can tailor treatments to individual needs without external pressures. Preserving your professional autonomy doesn’t always mean private practice, and I present my personal journey into employment lite as the best alternative to traditional employment in my best selling book: “Doctor Incorporated: Stop The Insanity of Traditional Employment and Preserve Your Professional Autonomy”

Co-Dependency on Employer

Traditional employment often creates a sense of dependency on your employer for income, benefits, and professional development opportunities. This dependency can limit your career growth and mobility, making you feel tethered to a specific employer or healthcare system. Your career trajectory may feel predetermined, with little room for innovation or pursuing personal interests within your field. In particular you might get caught up in the turf wars and service line initiatives that make you come out as a loser. I was just speaking to highly successful neurosurgeon on the past month who became a casualty to this type of process recently as the hospital system sided with the trauma surgeons over a turf issue.

In contrast, starting a professional micro-corporation allows you to diversify your income sources, explore entrepreneurial ventures, and pursue your professional interests with greater autonomy and flexibility. You are not limited to the roles and opportunities dictated by an employer; instead, you can carve out a niche for yourself in the medical community. Whether it’s starting a specialty clinic, engaging in medical research, or offering consultancy services, the possibilities are vast. This flexibility also means you can adapt more easily to changes in the healthcare landscape, ensuring long-term career resilience. The neurosurgeon previously mentioned is now staring his own professional micro-corporation and job stacking in the marketplace as he is emancipated from sole dependence on single W-2 employer who controlled his career.

High Taxes

As an employed physician, you are often subject to high tax rates, with a significant portion of your income taxed at the individual rate and limited opportunities for tax optimization. Additionally, there are fewer deductions and tax benefits available compared to what business owners can claim. This can significantly impact your take-home pay, reducing your ability to invest in your professional development or personal endeavors. I hear about this painful reality over and over again as many of you are taxed over $100,000 annually as it represents the largest spending category in your household budget.

By establishing a professional micro-corporation, you can engage in tax planning and optimization, reducing your overall tax liability, maximizing deductions, and retaining more of your hard-earned income for both personal and professional use. For example, you can deduct business expenses, such as office space, medical equipment, and professional development coaching, courses, and CME. You can also explore retirement planning options that offer tax advantages. By strategically managing your finances, you can ensure that more of your income is working for you, supporting both your practice and your personal financial goals.


The demands of traditional employment—including long hours, administrative burdens, and bureaucratic constraints—can contribute significantly to burnout. Burnout is associated with increased stress, decreased job satisfaction, and higher rates of turnover and attrition. The constant pressure to meet productivity quotas, coupled with the emotional toll of patient care, can lead to physical and mental exhaustion. Over time, this can diminish your enthusiasm for medicine and negatively impact your quality of life.

Starting a professional micro-corporation can help you create a more sustainable work-life balance, tailor your practice to align with your values and priorities, and mitigate the risk of burnout by reclaiming control over your time, workload, and professional fulfillment. You can design your practice to reflect your ideal work environment, whether that means shorter hours, fewer patients, or a focus on specific types of care that you find most rewarding. This balance allows you to maintain your passion for medicine while also enjoying a fulfilling personal life.

The Loss of The Good Life of A Doctor

Traditional employment might lead you to experience a loss of the "good life of the doctor"—the sense of purpose, fulfillment, and autonomy that initially drew you to medicine. This loss can manifest as diminished job satisfaction, erosion of work-life balance, and a disconnect between your personal values and organizational priorities. The bureaucratic nature of large healthcare systems can make it difficult to maintain the idealistic vision that inspired you to become a physician in the first place.

Embracing the entrepreneurial spirit and autonomy afforded by a professional micro-corporation can revitalize your passion for medicine, allowing you to pursue your professional aspirations with renewed vigor and reclaim the joy and fulfillment that inspired your journey into healthcare. You can shape your practice to reflect your values, whether that means prioritizing patient education, focusing on holistic care, or implementing innovative treatment methods. This alignment between your personal and professional life fosters a deeper sense of satisfaction and purpose.

Building a Community and Network

One often overlooked benefit of starting a professional micro-corporation is the opportunity to build a supportive community and network. As an independent practitioner, you can connect with other like-minded professionals who share your entrepreneurial spirit. This network can provide invaluable support, advice, and collaboration opportunities, enhancing your professional growth and satisfaction.

At SimpliMD, we foster a community of physicians who have embraced the micro-corporation model. By joining us as a member, you gain access to a wealth of knowledge and experience from peers who have successfully navigated this path. You can share best practices, troubleshoot challenges, and celebrate successes together, creating a sense of camaraderie and mutual support. Our private FB community is a great free space to join like-minded doctors. You can join here.

Financial Independence and Security

Starting a professional micro-corporation also offers the potential for greater financial independence and security. As a business owner, you have the ability to set your fees, manage your expenses, and control your financial destiny. This can lead to increased earnings and the ability to invest in your practice, your education, and your future.

By carefully managing your finances and making strategic business decisions, you can build a financially secure and prosperous medical life. This financial stability allows you to focus on providing the best care for your patients without the constant worry of financial pressures. Additionally, you can create a legacy for your family, building a business that can be passed down or sold when you decide to retire. My decision to transition from traditional employment to self-employment shaved off 5 years in my arrival to FI.

Navigating Challenges and Embracing Opportunities

Starting a professional micro-corporation is not without its challenges. It requires careful planning, dedication, and a willingness to embrace the unknown. However, the rewards far outweigh the risks. By taking control of your career and your practice, you open the door to countless opportunities for growth, fulfillment, and success.

At SimpliMD, we understand the unique challenges that come with this entrepreneurial journey. That’s why we offer comprehensive resources, guidance, and support to help you navigate the process with confidence. From business formation and legal considerations to marketing strategies and financial management, we’re here to ensure you have the tools and knowledge you need to thrive.


While traditional employment offers stability and security, it may come with consequences that impact your professional autonomy, financial well-being, and overall job satisfaction. By carefully weighing the pros and cons of traditional employment versus starting a professional micro-corporation, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your values, goals, and aspirations for a fulfilling and prosperous career in medicine.

Are you ready to take control of your career and thrive as a physician entrepreneur? Join the SimpliMD community as a member today and unlock over $2500 in resources, support, and guidance. Become a member now and start your journey toward professional and personal fulfillment.

Ready to get started? Sign up now to let me be your SimpliMD guide and take the first step toward forming your professional micro-corporation. Let's work together to build a career that aligns with your values and goals.