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Say Yes To Self-Employment: Taking Control of Your Medical Career

Sep 06, 2024

Over the past decade, I've had the privilege of working as a self-employed independent contractor, and it has been one of the most rewarding decisions of my career. The freedom to control how I practice medicine has not only enhanced my professional satisfaction but has also significantly improved my personal well-being and financial health. By stepping into the marketplace as my own boss, I've been able to create a work-life balance that aligns with my values and goals, while also building a more secure and prosperous future. This journey has reinforced my belief that every physician has the potential to thrive outside the confines of traditional employment, and I'm passionate about helping others do the same.

Today many of you face a pivotal choice: to continue down the well-trodden path of traditional employment or to embrace the freedom and autonomy of self-employment.

The decision to take control of your professional life is not just a career move; it's a declaration of independence. It's about stepping into the marketplace as the master of your own destiny, rather than allowing a traditional employer to dictate your career trajectory.

If you are tired of the corporatization of medicine, the allure of self-employment is stronger than ever. I invite you to join the movement of self-employed doctors. A great place to start your journey is by purchasing my new course “Creating A Practice Without Walls”. It will be the best $199 you ever spent!

Control How You Practice Medicine

One of the most compelling reasons to say "yes" to self-employment is the ability to control how you practice medicine. In a traditional employment setting, you often find yourself constrained by the policies, procedures, and profit-driven motives of large healthcare organizations. These institutions can dictate how many patients you see, how much time you spend with each patient, and even what treatments you offer. The pressure to meet quotas and adhere to standardized care protocols can lead to burnout and a sense of disillusionment with the practice of medicine.

When you choose self-employment, you regain control over your practice. You decide how to structure your day, how much time to spend with each patient, and what treatments to offer based on your clinical judgment rather than corporate mandates. You have the freedom to practice medicine in a way that aligns with your values and the needs of your patients, rather than the bottom line of a large organization.

The Cash Marketplace: A Return to Patient-Centered Care

The corporatization of medicine has left both patients and physicians longing for a return to a more personalized, patient-centered approach to healthcare. Patients are frustrated with the impersonal nature of large healthcare systems, where they often feel like just another number. Physicians, too, are weary of the red tape, administrative burdens, and third-party interference that come with working for these organizations.

Self-employment offers a way out of this cycle. One way that many are re-entering the marketplace is through micro-corporations that operate as a cash only business. Free from the constraints of insurance companies and other third parties, you can re-engage with your patients in a more meaningful way. A direct relationship with patients allows you to focus on delivering high-quality care without the distractions of billing codes, insurance approvals, and bureaucratic delays. Patients are increasingly willing to pay out-of-pocket for this type of care, recognizing the value of having a trusted, attentive physician who prioritizes their health over profit margins. These practices are often small, individualized and much leaner than the traditional private practice model. I explore this further in my post The Rise of Direct Primary Care.

But there are plenty of other self-employment options out there that don’t include running a consumer facing clinic/office. These virtual practices are becoming all the more common, and have minimal overhead, are location independent, and provide you with tremendous professional flexibility. You can learn all about this in my new course “Creating a Practice Without Walls.”

Business Knowledge Over an MBA: The SimpliMD Community

One of the most common fears that holds physicians back from self-employment is the belief that they lack the necessary business acumen to succeed. Many of you assume that without an MBA or formal business training, you are ill-equipped to run your own practice or micro-corporation. However, this belief is a myth. While business knowledge is important, you don't need an MBA to succeed as a self-employed physician. What you need is practical, real-world business knowledge—knowledge that is accessible, applicable, and tailored to the unique needs of healthcare professionals. Layered on top of this is the importance of a professional support team.

That's where the SimpliMD community comes in. I've created SimpliMD to provide you with the resources, support, and education you need to succeed in the marketplace. Through our courses, coaching, and community, you'll gain the practical business knowledge necessary to confidently operate your own micro-corporation. You don't need to be a business expert to thrive as a self-employed physician—you just need the right tools and a supportive network of like-minded professionals.

If you're ready to take the first step toward self-employment, I invite you to join the SimpliMD community as member for only $99 and you will unlock $2500 in self-employment products. Together, we can help you build the knowledge and confidence you need to succeed in the marketplace.

Location Independence: The New Frontier of Medical Practice

The advent of telehealth and other location-independent medical jobs has opened up new opportunities for you to practice medicine on your own terms. No longer are your professional services and medical decision-making relegated to a traditional exam room or hospital setting where you and the patient must be co-located. The marketplace for medical services is growing, and so are the possibilities for how you can deliver care. Check out my post Revolutionizing Physician Work: Embracing Location-Independence and Location Independence for Working Doctors

As a self-employed physician, you have the freedom to explore these new frontiers of medical practice. Whether you choose to offer telehealth consultations, work as a locum tenens physician, or provide specialized services in a niche market, the options are vast and varied. The ability to work from anywhere, combined with the flexibility to set your own schedule, allows you to create a practice that fits your lifestyle and personal goals.

Job Stacking: Designing the Lifestyle You Want

Another trend that is gaining momentum among physicians is job stacking—combining multiple 1099 contract jobs with part-time W-2 employment to create a diversified income stream. This approach allows you to design the lifestyle you want, with the freedom to pursue different professional interests and reduce the risk of financial instability.

Job stacking is particularly appealing to those of you who want to balance clinical practice with other pursuits, such as consulting, teaching, or writing. By taking on multiple roles, you can diversify your income, reduce your reliance on any one employer, and create a career that is both financially rewarding and personally fulfilling.

In the end, the only thing holding you back from leaving traditional employment behind is yourself. It's your fear of failure, your fear that you don't know enough, your fear that it won't pay your bills or support your lifestyle, or your fear that operating a business is too complex.

These fears can be easily overcome by just jumping in and taking the first step through a supportive community like SimpliMD.

Overcoming Fear: The First Step to Success

Fear is a natural part of any major life change, but it doesn't have to dictate your choices. The key to overcoming fear is education and preparation. By equipping yourself with the knowledge and resources you need to succeed, you can quell your fears and build the confidence to take control of your career.

One of the best ways to start is by educating yourself on the essentials of running a micro-corporation. My evergreen course, "Creating a Practice Without Walls," is designed specifically for physicians who are ready to break free from the constraints of traditional employment and create a practice that aligns with their vision and values. This course will guide you through the process of setting up and operating a successful practice, even if you have no prior business experience.

I invite you to sign up for "Creating a Practice Without Walls" and take the first step toward self-employment. Together, we can help you build a career that offers both professional satisfaction and personal fulfillment.

The Power of Saying Yes

Saying "yes" to self-employment is more than just a career choice—it's a commitment to taking control of your professional life and practicing medicine on your own terms.

It's about rejecting the corporatization of healthcare and embracing a patient-centered approach that prioritizes quality care over profit. It's about recognizing that you have the intelligence and capability to succeed in the marketplace, even without an MBA.

And most importantly, it's about overcoming your fears and taking the first step toward a career that offers both autonomy and fulfillment.

If you're ready to take control of your career and join a community of like-minded physicians, I encourage you to become a member of SimpliMD. Together, we can help you navigate the challenges of self-employment and build a successful practice that reflects your values and vision. Say "yes" to self-employment today, and take the first step toward a brighter, more fulfilling future.