Walking In Your Shoes E7 Residents & Tacos
Oct 21, 2023
By Cheyenne Stillson
SimpliMD Event
Last week, John and I had the privilege of hosting SimpliMD at our house for a resident dinner and seminar. We had a house full of residents, doctors, spouses, and little kiddos! Dr. Tod Stillson had the opportunity to speak on the benefits and nuances of being a family doctor while helping provide insight into the SimpliMD model. We catered a classic taco bar and dessert for the event, Texas-style!
I love to host, so it was such a refreshing and exciting event for everyone involved! It was very interesting to witness the types of questions and commentary that came from this seminar with residents alike. Most of them had very similar concerns or questions as it relates to the “next phase” of all their doctor journeys.
Next Step Questions
I know that John and I often question what our next steps should be as he gets closer to finalizing his residency journey and researching various types of jobs that strike his interest. A couple of goals we have in mind for the near future focus mostly on location and community. We first need to determine the “where” we want to land and then determine the “who” that surrounds us as we start to build a family and get acclimated to a more settled environment. This creates a push-and-pull feeling that can be a little stressful. For others, they may find that their goals are more family-driven, financially driven, culturally driven, etc. Every resident and/or significant other harbor different drivers that impact their current decision-making.
During the seminar, we had the chance to deconstruct, listen, and absorb what other like-minded individuals were contemplating about their current situation and their future situations. The beauty of family medicine, as Dr. Tod Stillson spoke to during the seminar, is that it is a vessel for flexibility and autonomy. We have the option as individuals or as a couple to structure the benefits of this medical career choice in a way that allows space for retaining more income, having more time to help patients, giving more space to family life, and owning your own professional self. This option is not just beneficial to the doctor, but also to the spouse. As any couple who has endured medical school and/ or residency knows – you become a team in this journey. Both sides of the relationship play a significant role in the success at the next phase.
This is Tod and if you missed my webinar "Take Control Of Your Future. Are You Ready?", you can watch it here. In the webinar I walk through how you can take control of your professional future. This is critical mindset that many young doctors overlook now days.
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