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Reclaim Your Autonomy: Why Every Doctor Should Read My Book

Jun 25, 2024

Reclaim Your Autonomy: Why Every Doctor Should Read My Book

In today’s medical world, you face unprecedented challenges. The traditional model of employment often places constraints on professional autonomy, leading to burnout and dissatisfaction. For those of you seeking an alternative path that empowers you as both a healer and entrepreneur, my book, Doctor Incorporated: Stop The Insanity of Traditional Employment and Preserve Your Professional Autonomy, offers a compelling roadmap.

Dr. D.P., a Gastroenterologist on the East Coast, recently shared his transformative experience with me and our SimpliMD community after reading Doctor Incorporated. Here is what Dr. D.P. had to say:

"I recently became a member of the SimpliMD community and read your book Doctor Incorporated. I can tell you it is one of the best books I have read. I strongly feel it has the potential to change my life and my family’s life. I am an employed physician on a W2 and have been in practice for the last 3 years."

Dr. D.P.’s testimonial underscores the profound impact that embracing the principles outlined in Doctor Incorporated: Stop The Insanity of Traditional Employment and Preserve Your Professional Autonomy, can have on a physician's life. If you are a doctor grappling with the constraints of traditional employment, here are compelling reasons why you should consider reading this book:

1. Regain Professional Autonomy

Traditional employment often comes with a set of rigid expectations and administrative burdens that can stifle your professional freedom. Doctor Incorporated offers strategies to regain control over your practice, allowing you to make decisions that are best for your patients and your career.

2. Avoid Burnout

Burnout is a pervasive issue in the medical profession. By exploring the opportunities to establish a micro-corporation, you can create a work environment that aligns with your values and professional goals, reducing the risk of burnout and improving your overall job satisfaction.

3. Achieve Financial Independence

As an employed physician, your financial growth may be limited by salary caps and contractual restrictions. Doctor Incorporated provides insights into building a micro-business that can enhance your income potential, giving you and your family greater financial security.

4. Flexibility and Work-Life Balance

Owning your practice or becoming part of a micro-corporation model offers greater flexibility in your schedule. This autonomy allows you to balance your professional responsibilities with personal commitments, leading to a more fulfilling life both at work and at home.

5. Empowerment through Community

Joining a community of like-minded physicians, as Dr. D.P. did with SimpliMD, can provide invaluable support and resources. Networking with peers who share your vision can inspire and motivate you to take the necessary steps toward professional independence. Dr. D.P. did this by becoming a member, and you should consider doing the same.

6. Practical Guidance and Real-Life Examples

Doctor Incorporated is not just theoretical. It is filled with practical advice and real-life examples of physicians who have successfully transitioned to micro-corporation models. These stories serve as both inspiration and proof that such a transformation is not only possible but also immensely rewarding.


Dr. D.P.’s experience is a testament to the transformative potential of Doctor Incorporated: Stop The Insanity of Traditional Employment and Preserve Your Professional Autonomy. If you are an employed physician feeling the constraints of traditional employment, this book can be your guide to breaking free and reclaiming your professional autonomy. By reading Doctor Incorporated, you can embark on a journey towards a more fulfilling, balanced, and prosperous career.

Join Dr. D.P. and countless others who have taken the first step towards a better future. Your professional autonomy is within reach, and it begins with the knowledge and insights shared by the members of our SimpliMD community. Take the next step in your professional journey by becoming a SimpliMD member today and for less than the cost of a dinner, you will unlock over $2500 in educational products exclusively for our members.

Take control of your career. Transform your life. Start today by getting your copy of Doctor Incorporated: Stop The Insanity of Traditional Employment and Preserve Your Professional Autonomy.