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From Employed Physician to Thriving Entrepreneur: A SimpliMD Success Story

Sep 14, 2024

As a physician, I’ve had the privilege of coaching many doctors through a transformative journey. For many, it begins with a shift in mindset—a realization that they don’t have to rely solely on hospitals or traditional employment to define their careers. Instead, they can embrace the freedom of self-employment and become entrepreneurs, creating multiple streams of income and, ultimately, leading more fulfilling lives. One recent success story stands out as a shining example of what’s possible when physicians break free from the constraints of traditional employment.

A few years ago, I had the pleasure of working with a physician who was deeply entrenched in the hospital system. Like many doctors, he felt the weight of administrative demands, the loss of autonomy, and the pressure to conform to a system that often left him feeling like just another cog in the machine. He had always dreamed of being his own boss but didn’t know where to begin. That’s where SimpliMD came in.

The Beginning: Breaking Free from Employment

When this physician first came to SimpliMD, he wasn’t sure how to navigate the world of self-employment. He had the clinical expertise, but the idea of running a business was foreign to him. That’s a common concern among doctors who have spent years in training but have never been exposed to the practicalities of operating a business.

Through our coaching and resources, we helped him establish his own micro-corporation. By forming a business entity, he could contract his services on his own terms, rather than relying on a hospital or large medical group to dictate the course of his career. We walked him through every step— from filing the necessary paperwork, understanding the tax implications, to setting up a solid business foundation.

The relief he felt was palpable. For the first time, he had control over his professional life. He wasn’t beholden to the bureaucracy of the hospital; instead, he had the flexibility to design his practice in a way that aligned with his values and goals.

The Evolution: Employment-Lite and Diversifying Income Streams

After forming his micro-corporation, this physician entered what I like to call an "employment-lite" contract. This meant that instead of being a full-time hospital employee, he contracted his services part-time while retaining the freedom to pursue other ventures. This arrangement allowed him to keep a foot in the door of hospital medicine while also giving him the flexibility to explore entrepreneurial opportunities.

As a natural leader, he quickly saw the potential to multiply his income streams. One of his first ventures was supervising Advanced Practice Providers (APPs), such as nurse practitioners and physician assistants, in various clinics. This provided a steady stream of additional income without adding much to his daily workload.

Then became more involved as a contracted physician leader over the healthcare department in a local private boarding school that caters to students from all over the world. He genuinely loves the relationship associated with this work and the added bonus is that he gets to interact with his wife, who is a faculty member at the same school.

His entrepreneurial spirit didn’t stop there. He also began supervising a med spa, which added yet another revenue stream. The key to his success was understanding that as a self-employed physician, he wasn’t limited to a single role. Instead, he could leverage his medical knowledge across various sectors, creating multiple income sources that increased his financial stability and professional satisfaction.

And with an entrepreneurial drive, he recently began exploring a medical director role at a nearby mental health facility. This is just another example of how physicians can leverage their expertise in ways that go beyond direct patient care. Medical directorships not only come with financial rewards but also allow physicians to shape the quality and direction of healthcare within their communities.

The Personal Transformation: From Medicine to Woodworking

However, perhaps the most exciting aspect of his journey was how it reignited his passion for woodworking. For years, this doctor had harbored a love for creating beautiful, handmade wood products. It was a hobby he indulged in when he could, but like many physicians, he never had the time or energy to pursue it seriously.

The shift to self-employment changed everything. With newfound control over his schedule, he had the freedom to devote more time to his woodworking passion. What started as a personal outlet soon grew into a fully-fledged business. He began crafting unique, custom wood pieces—ranging from furniture to decorative items—that were in high demand in his community.

Woodworking wasn’t just a business for him; it was a source of immense joy and personal satisfaction. In a recent coaching session, he told me how becoming a business owner—both in medicine and woodworking—had transformed his outlook on life. He was happier, more fulfilled, and, most importantly, a better doctor. His sense of independence and professional autonomy had rekindled his love for medicine, something that had been buried under the weight of hospital bureaucracy.

The Power of Autonomy: A Doctor’s New Identity

What’s remarkable about this story isn’t just the financial success this physician has achieved, although that in itself is impressive. What’s truly inspiring is how he has redefined his identity. He is no longer just a doctor working within the confines of a hospital system. He is an entrepreneur, a leader, and a craftsman—someone who has taken full control of his professional and personal life.

In our last coaching session, he mentioned how much his independence meant to him. No longer feeling restricted by the expectations of hospital administration, he now wakes up each day with a sense of purpose. He has the autonomy to choose how he spends his time, how he earns his income, and how he engages with his passions. This is the power of self-employment. It’s not just about escaping the hospital grind—it’s about reclaiming your identity and building a life on your terms.

The Path Forward: Your Opportunity Awaits

This success story isn’t unique. The opportunity to take control of your professional life is available to every physician. Whether you’re just starting to think about leaving traditional employment or you’re ready to make the leap, SimpliMD is here to guide you every step of the way.

For only $99, you can become a SimpliMD member and access business resources worth $2,500. We provide the tools, knowledge, and support you need to transition from employed physician to empowered entrepreneur. You’ll learn how to build your own micro-corporation, explore diverse income streams, and create a life that aligns with your values.

Additionally, if you’re ready to take your career to the next level, enroll in my course, “Creating A Practice Without Walls.” This course will teach you how to create a micro-corporation that provides you with agency in the marketplace, allowing you to design the career you want—on your terms.